As always, IN2 employees are working hard on their projects. Colleagues from Zagreb have completed some important projects that are of great importance for digitizing state institutions operations.
The download of the Court Registry data
The Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with IN2 Group, has developed and published the API of the Court Registry of the High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia, which is now available to all users who want to download structured data in machine-readable format.
Data download is possible on Open Data Portal of the Court Registry. The Portal is intended for development engineers who want to download the Court Registry data in machine-readable formats into their application solutions.
In this way, the Ministry of Justice uses the latest standards of open data that require from public bodies to develop APIs on their databases and registries. This standard is also prescribed in a new revision of the Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive adopted on 25 April 2018.
Read more about an IN2 solution for downloading the Court Registry data.
Project „Strengthening the Human Resources Capacities at the State Attorney’s Office“ Finished
The Project of Strengthening the Human Resources Capacities at the State Attorney’s Office and the Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime worth €208,000, was presented on a ceremony at IN2. The project is being implemented from February 2017 to August 2018, and IN2 is responsible for the first two and SV Group for the third component.
The contracting authority is the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA-SAFU), the main clients are the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia (DORH) and the Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime (USKOK), and the contractors are IN2 and SV Group. The project is funded from the pre-accession funds of the European Union, i.e. IPA 2012 program.
The overall goal of this project is to increase the efficiency of the judiciary through support to business processes and human resources of the State Attorney’s Office in the Republic of Croatia, including USKOK.
The purpose of this project is to further contribute to a modern, efficient and effective State Attorney’s Office in the Republic of Croatia, including USKOK, by building capacities through providing access to information and maintaining interconnection with IT systems to other state bodies (electronic data exchange), improving analytical capabilities of State Attorney Offices and development of knowledge base that will serve as a central point for cooperation and exchange of state attorney practices.
Development of Integrated IT System for Prison, Jail and Probation administration has been successfully completed
Project Development of Integrated IT System for Prison, Jail and Probation administration worth EUR 511,500 was presented today at a ceremony at IN2.
The contracting authority is the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA-SAFU), the main client is the Ministry of Justice and the contractor is IN2. The project was implemented from February 2017 to August 2018 and was funded from IPA 2012 program for Croatia.
The overall objective of the project is to increase the professional and managerial skills of prison and probation officers and provide support for the implementation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
The purpose of this project is to improve the efficiency of the entire prison and probation system by implementing an information system to support the business processes of Prison Administration System of the Ministry of Justice, all correctional facilities, Probation Sector and Victim and Witness Support Service. A new integrated IT system will improve business processes, flow of business information between the Central Office, correctional facilities, probation and related segments of state administration – Ministry of the Interior, The Croatian Health Insurance Fund, State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia, Criminal and Misdemeanor Records of the Ministry of Justice and Courts, and facilitate cheaper and more rational business operations.
Besides the obvious – the computerization of business processes and the reform of the prison and probation system – realization of the project, also, created a platform for a complete digital transformation of business operations.
IT infrastructure development project with the aim of providing more effective services in the social security system completed
The completion of the project “Development of IT Infrastructure as part of the strengthening of administrative capacity and the strengthening of institutions for the implementation of regulations in the social security system” was presented on a ceremony at IN2 in Zagreb.
The contracting authority of this project worth EUR 463,926 is Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA-SAFU), the client is the Ministry of Labor and Pension System and its institution – Croatian Pension Insurance Institute and Central Registry of Insured Persons (REGOS), and the contractor is IN2. The project was implemented from March 2016 to September 2018 and was financed within the Transition Facility for the Republic of Croatia. More information about EU projects in Croatia can be found at The European Structural and Investment Funds.

The project developed IT infrastructure that will enable efficient and quality implementation of EU regulations in the area of social security, and the provision of user-oriented, efficient services in this area.
Information in the social security system of the Republic of Croatia has so far been exchanged with the participation of a large number of civil servants and the use of various requests manually filled in a paper form, and citizens were required to visit the institution or to send/receive documents by post. Replacing paper with electronic documents increases availability and reduces the total cost of the service who issue certificates. Timely data exchange among institutions increases the efficiency of the process of awarding and exercising rights in the area of social security.